Kicking off the new school year, we started off with the electrical force, not to be confused with magnetic force, which deals with magnets. As for the electrical forces, it’s like a spooky force since it’s not a force applied by an object, but more of something that is intangible, hence SPOOKY. The electrical force is just a force between something that is positively charges (lower number of electrons compared to protons) to something that is negatively charged (higher number of electrons compared to protons). When a balloon rubs against my hair, it collects excess electrons from my hair and transfers onto the balloon. Whatever side my hair rubbed against the balloon means that that area is now negatively charged. NOTICE HOW THERE NEEDED TO BE FRACTION IN ORDER FOR THE NEGATIVE CHARGE TO SEPARATE FROM MY HAIR TO THE BALLOON. I think of the friction as energy added to the system in order to get the electrons to move and to go onto the balloon. When using the bottom tape (negative char...