

Kicking off the new school year, we started off with the electrical force, not to be confused with magnetic force, which deals with magnets. As for the electrical forces, it’s like a spooky force since it’s not a force applied by an object, but more of something that is intangible, hence SPOOKY. The electrical force is just a force between something that is positively charges (lower number of electrons compared to protons) to something that is negatively charged (higher number of electrons compared to protons). When a balloon rubs against my hair, it collects excess electrons from my hair and transfers onto the balloon. Whatever side my hair rubbed against the balloon means that that area is now negatively charged. NOTICE HOW THERE NEEDED TO BE FRACTION IN ORDER FOR THE NEGATIVE CHARGE TO SEPARATE FROM MY HAIR TO THE BALLOON. I think of the friction as energy added to the system in order to get the electrons to move and to go onto the balloon. When using the bottom tape (negative char...

Free End vs Fixed End on Spring

Here's what a free end of a spring looks like: (The end of the string is free to move loosely) When a force is applied on one end of the slinky and the wave travels to the other end, the wave "bounces back" and move back towards the direction it came from on the same side of the slinky. This is because of the forces acting on the slinky as it travels towards and goes through the free end of the slinky. As seen in the diagram, at the 5th dot, the net force is pulling upwards because the end of the slinky is not tied to a pole to counteract that upward force, resulting in the wave to continue the pattern on the same side of the slinky but in opposite directions. Here's what a fixed end of a spring looks like: (The end of the string is fixed and cannot move loosely) When a force is applied on one end of the slinky and the wave travels to the other end, the wave "bounces back" and move back towards the direction it came from on the opposite...

Circular Motion

Force * change in temperature = mass * change on velocity Net force= (velocity^2 * mass) / radius Force increase = velocity increase Velocity increase = radius increase Mass increase = force increase Mass increase = velocity increase Tips: •use the pythagorean theorem when trying to solve for unknown values (Ex. Radius) Just make sure to use the conic section •use force diagrams to show the forces acting on the object (sometimes 2 are needed) In the current lab that I am doing, my group and I are trying to release a string at a certain degree so that when it falls, the string breaks. Right from the beginning, my group and I suffered from difficulties. The first string we had broke too easily. Right when we picked it up, it fell apart. As a result, we knew that it'll be inaccurate trying to determine a close value as to how much force it takes to break the string. Looking back, it is difficult doing the experiment. First off, the string did not work well at all. Second, using the fo...

Energy Test Reflection

Upon reflection on the last energy test I took, I realized that there is still a hole in my learning. I do not know how to write an equation for a situation that initially has no energy in the system and then has energy entering the system. For example, within a system there is a motionless car and the ground it is on. Then a person enters the system and pushes the car into motion. With an LOL chart, the initial moment of the situation would have no energy. The system would have the car, the ground and an arrow with a person with full energy bars (this is all qualitative) coming into the system. Lastly, the final moment of the situation would have full energy bars in the kinetic energy category. Comparing the initial and final moments of the situation, I would write the energy equation as 0= E k . However, this does not make sense. Nothing cannot equal to energy. Under these circumstances, how would I write an equation for this situation? Looking on the positive side, aspects of en...

Energy Equations Reflection

Reflection: On the last post, I mentioned the second set of labs that were completed and the results we got in class. This week's focus was on the results of the labs. Although we were able to derive the equations for the energy equations together as a class, I still struggled as an individual. When deriving equations, we can figure out the missing variable of equations on one side if we know the units on the other. When it comes to working on that and trying to solve for the missing variable, I still feel hazy about it. What I tried to do was cancel out the units that were present on both sides, and if that worked, I was hoping to be left with the leftover unit equating to the missing variable that I was searching for. I was able to come up with an answer, however it was incorrect. I rechecked my process and it seemed correct (in my eyes at least), but I still ended up with the same result. When the teacher guided us along, I realized that what I could have done was substitute un...

Elastic Energy Labs and Energy Pie Charts

The main focus for last week's topic was energy. Some energy we began focusing on was elastic, gravitational potential, kinetic, and dissipated energy. The main things we did were doing labs focusing on elastic energy and we did energy pie charts. For the labs, the first lab was about how the length of a spring affects how much force is applied. What we did was we grabbed a slinky and started stretching it with two force-o-meters on both ends. From this, we plotted the change in length (cm) as the independant variable and then the force (Newtons) was the dependant variable. From the data, we found out that the relationship between the length and force is directly proportional and is a positive linear relationship. Each spring will have its own positive linear relationship because each spring is affected by its own ability to stretch from its material type. As for the second lab, the experiment was to apply an elastic force to a cart on a flat surface and at an upward angle. The re...

Challenge Activity (Parabolic Motion)

What happened: A challenge activity that we did in class was set up with a diagonal ramp connected to a horizontal ramp that was set up on a table. Beside that table was a cup that the marble needed to land in. The goal of the challenge was to find out where to release the marble on the diagonal ramp so that it ultimately ends up landing into the cup. However, we were not allowed to test drop the marble at different places on the ramp to see where it would go.  During the process, my group tried to calculate the acceleration of the marble going down the horizontal ramp and the time it takes. We did this by finding the mass of the marble, finding the angle degree of the diagonal ramp, and by test dropping the marble from the horizontal ramp (but catching the marble right when it got to the horizontal ramp) and timing it. Our group realized right when the marble gets onto the horizontal ramp, the velocity would become constant (because the marble in not moving at an angle). Howe...