Elastic Energy Labs and Energy Pie Charts

The main focus for last week's topic was energy. Some energy we began focusing on was elastic, gravitational potential, kinetic, and dissipated energy. The main things we did were doing labs focusing on elastic energy and we did energy pie charts. For the labs, the first lab was about how the length of a spring affects how much force is applied. What we did was we grabbed a slinky and started stretching it with two force-o-meters on both ends. From this, we plotted the change in length (cm) as the independant variable and then the force (Newtons) was the dependant variable. From the data, we found out that the relationship between the length and force is directly proportional and is a positive linear relationship. Each spring will have its own positive linear relationship because each spring is affected by its own ability to stretch from its material type. As for the second lab, the experiment was to apply an elastic force to a cart on a flat surface and at an upward angle. The result was that the larger the stretch, the greater the speed (linear relationship). Also, elastic energy is directly proportional to kinetic energy and elastic energy squared is proportional to gravitational energy. Lastly, as for the energy pie charts, we began making and taking about those qualitatively. When doing them, include elastic energy when there is a force from a spring, use gravitational when the height or the change in height affects the system, use kinetic when the object is in motion, and use dissipated when there seems to be some energy lost such as sound, heat or thermal. (Refer to the actual worksheets.)
Important thing to note:
-> For the first lab, it seems like the relationship between change in length and force applied is linear, however, at a certain point, the graph will start to plateau and not be linear because the spring can only stretch so much before it stretches into a wire.
Questions that I have:
-> For the first lab, does the diameter of the spring affect the force applied to it when stretched? Or does that just belong under what material it's made of? Is size a part of the material type?
-> How do I quantify the pie charts? What labs do I need to do to derive equations to solve for the pie charts quantitatively?
Overall, starting off with the new unit was not difficult. I feel like I am still at the beginning stages of the physics curriculum so the work is not too mentally overwhelming (yet). It has been smooth sailing so far because I understand the material, which is good. The only thing I am apprehensive about is how I possibly will have a harder time understanding the material when we start putting in the numbers and start doing the work quantitatively. I know I should not be worried about that since I am learning at the end of the day, however, I cannot shake off the fact that I somehow think it will be a bit of a bumpy road. If that day does come, I will ask my classmates for extra help and my teacher for assistance.


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